All Jokes
A bookseller conducting market survey asked a woman: ''Which book has helped you most in life?''The woman replied my husband's cheque BOOK.
Last night I was sitting on the sofa watching TV when I heard my wifes voice from the kitchen, "What will you like for dinner my love, chicken, beef or lamb?"I said, Thank you,...
Wife to husband: "I wish I were a newspaper, so I would be in your arms always. Husband: I also wish you were so, I would have a new one everyday.
One day, Akpos drives his date up to a lonely and secluded area and parks. "I have to be honest with you" the woman says as he makes his move."I'm a prostitute." Akpos thinks...
Akpos' wife was pregnant and the following conversation ensued: WIFE: Darling, guess what? AKPOS: What?WIFE: I went for the scan today and the scan revealed that I'm pregnant...
Mrs. Ifeoma phoned the electrician because her television quit working. The electrician couldn't accommodate her with an "after-hours" appointment and since she had to go to work...
The kind of status we would be updating on social media (BBM, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) if we were in the times of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, etc:Princess: Guys its scary...
At the end of a lecture, the teacher asked the student whether they had any questions to ask.AKPOS: Sir! I don't understand the topic.TEACHER: Hmmm. You should have listened to...
A woman was having sex with her lover in her apartment, 20 stories high. Suddenly she heard her husband arrive. She told her lover, stay like a statue and don't move! HUSBAND: Who...
A man went to buy breast wears for his wife but was confused about the breast size of his wife... SHOPKEEPER: Is the breast size of your wife as large as a Pawpaw? MAN: No!...