Best Wish!

Akpos was strolling by a river bank. Suddenly, the river goddess came out from the middle of the river:

GODDESS: You are in luck today wanderer. I will give you the chance to wish for three things and they shall all come to pass.

Akpos who was apparently scared upon seeing the goddess, became very delighted and immediately made his first wish;

AKPOS: I need a Jeep!

(puff! The Jeep appeared)

GODDESS: Two more wishes.

AKPOS: (visibly elated) I need a big "Ghana must go bag" full of money.

(Puff! A large bag filled with money appeared)

GODDESS: Now, your last wish.

AKPOS: (salivating at the thought of his last request) Make me very irresistible to women!

(Puff! The Goddess suddenly turns Akpos into a BRAZILIAN HAIR!)
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