Death Announcement

Akpos' elder brother, Kwame, travelled to London months ago, leaving behind Akpos, their mom
and their dog, kelly.

Last week, Kwame called from London to know how they're doing.

KWAME: Akpos how are you all doing, how's kelly (dog)?

AKPOS: Kelly is dead!

KWAME: (after a pause) Akpos you shouldn't have told me this bad news straightly, at least you shouldn't have gone straight to the point. You would have just said that the dog fell inside the well but the neighbours are trying to rescue him. Then when I call again, you will say he broke his neck but the Vet doctor are trying to revive him. Then when I call again, you will say they tried their best but they couldn't save him. Thats how they reveal bad news in a mature way. Do you hear me?

AKPOS: Yes bro.

KWAME: OK, how is mother too?

AKPOS: Bro, mum fell inside the well, but the neighbours are trying to rescue her...

The Phone cuts. Kwame has been admitted in a private hospital in London after going into a coma.

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