Our Mentalities

We grew up with the following mentalities below...

All soft drinks are called minerals.

All Fathers took first position while at school.

India beat nigeria 99-1 because the ball was turned into a Lion.

If your wealth starts reducing, it's your village people who are doing you.

Rice and stew... every Sunday afternoon.

Every commodity outside Africa is original.

Anybody with HIV/AIDS got it via sex.

She's a Calabar girl... so definitely, she must be good on bed.

Every seasoning cube is called Maggi.

You must finish the eba/amala/fufu before you touch the meat.

Every toothpaste is called Maclean.

Every insecticide is called a Fleet.

Every detergent is called Omo.

Any rich Hausa man is an 'Alhaji', the poor ones are 'Abokis'.

Anyone who smokes is an armed robber.

If you find some money on the floor, pee on it before picking it up, else you turn into a tuber of Yam!

Only science students are smart.

Once you travel overseas (outside the country), you must be very rich.

Every girl who plays and jokes with a boy, has slept with him.

You must buy bread when traveling.

When you lose a tooth, throw it on the rooftop of the house and run round the house 7 times.

Every noodle is called Indomie.

Any girl who's very pretty is referred to as "Mermaids' while the very ugly ones are referred to as 'Witches'.

Any insects that bites you at night are definitely mosquitoes.

Any plane passing across the skies are going to America.

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