Six Signs to Identify Ugly Girls
Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 07/08/2014 - 21:08
These are the six familiar signs to identify ugly girls:
1. An Ugly girl will tag 100 people in a picture and still get two likes on Facebook (probably from her family members).
2. Guys will feel free when talking to an ugly girl because they see you as another guy. Some will even seek your advice on how to woo (toast) another girl.
3. Whenever a group of girls want to take a group picture, they will hand over the camera to the ugliest amongst them. If you're that girl, then your friends are subtly telling you that you're ugly.
4. Whenever there are drama rehearsals in a church, they always pick the ugly girl to play the role of a witch, a vampire or a demon.
5. Most girls with sweet names on Facebook and twitter like 'mo cute', 'pink berry', 'sexydiva', 'prettydamsel', 'finest chick', etc... are usually very ugly.
6. Ugly girls wont like this post and would comment harshly because they are angry with me right now for exposing them.
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1. An Ugly girl will tag 100 people in a picture and still get two likes on Facebook (probably from her family members).
2. Guys will feel free when talking to an ugly girl because they see you as another guy. Some will even seek your advice on how to woo (toast) another girl.
3. Whenever a group of girls want to take a group picture, they will hand over the camera to the ugliest amongst them. If you're that girl, then your friends are subtly telling you that you're ugly.
4. Whenever there are drama rehearsals in a church, they always pick the ugly girl to play the role of a witch, a vampire or a demon.
5. Most girls with sweet names on Facebook and twitter like 'mo cute', 'pink berry', 'sexydiva', 'prettydamsel', 'finest chick', etc... are usually very ugly.
6. Ugly girls wont like this post and would comment harshly because they are angry with me right now for exposing them.
You can add other signs to identify ugly girls in the comment box below...
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