Bible Status

The kind of status we would be updating on social media (BBM, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) if we were in the times of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, etc:

Princess: Guys its scary, Lot's wife just turned into a pillar of salt! #shaking

B'jayB: Just chilling in 1st class at Noah's ark, the view here is fantastic. But this Lions keep staring at me. #weird

Damiflex: Chilling with Moses by Mt Sinai... Miracles be going down here. #miraclethings

Kemikollz: Eve and hubby got banished. O, they ate the forbidden fruit. I mean who does that? #smh

Jacob's status: Can't believe I served her father for 14 years just to get her... Luv u Rachel. #TinsWeDo4Love

Pweetykemi: Some people are so cruel! Cain, how could you kill your own brother? #RIPAbel. Your brother is #dorowicked

One of Jesus' disciples post: What a long day... Walking and preaching the gospel. Now hanging out with Jesus and chilling with my brothers. This guys are funny... LLP! (Laffin Like Pharaoh)

Isaac: Damn, dad nearly sacrificed me! O.o... Lolz #selfiewithram

The two thieves beside Jesus be like: Chilling with the king of d Jews! #calvarythingz

Horlayhemmi Swagilicious: Can't believe Elisha just allowed bears to eat up those children! #Likeseriously?

flex*Samson*fist*: The chick sold me out... I'm going to bring the roof down on this party! #doroAngry

Kevin D Finest: Judas did what??? That bro ain't loyal. #smh#

Dejavu: Jesus just turned water to wine, I go drink away my sorrow... #doroshayo#

Jason Stackhouse: This pharaoh na baaad guy!!!! Crossing the #redsea on point... #doroEscape

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