Bicycle Theft

A kid went to the police to report about his lost bicycle this morning...

KID: My new bicycle has been stolen!

POLICE: When did you notice?

KID: This morning.

POLICE: Do you have a suspect?

KID: Yes, my mum and dad.

POLICE: Why do you suspect them?

KID: Yesterday at midnight, I heard mum say, "Make it stand so I can sit on it very well." and dad said, "Climb up fast before it falls." I then heard mum say, "Push Slowly, don't hurt me!"

POLICE: (laughing uncontrollably) Go back home kid, I'm sure they've returned it!
Anthony Ehabahe
1519 137
Views: 55202


Badpaul_2010's picture

Bro it's not your bicycle o

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