African Names

Africans be like:

My name is Menzo Tony Nnamdi, but you can call me MTN

My name is Bisola Belinda Mayowa, but just call me BBM

My name is Katleho Lefa Maletsatsi, but just call KLM

My name is Faith Bobo, but just call me FACEBOOK

My name is John Idongesit Kelvin, you can call me JIM

My name is Fashina Adeola Titilope, just call me FAT

My name is Samson Sunkanmi, but you can call me SAMSUNG

My name is Rita Aladi Thelma, call me RAT

My Kiprop Fanaka Chepkirui, but just call me KFC

My name is Uchenna Samuel Benjamin, you can just call me USB

My Name is Humbelani Isaacs Vuyo, but you can call me HIV

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Happy osy's picture

My name is Happy osy peter you can call me (hope)


One man name is Felix Olayiwola Oladele Lanre aka FOOL and another man,Daniel Odunayo Godfrey aka DOG

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