Funny Abbreviations
Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 07/09/2015 - 21:00
Below are popular funny Abbreviations...
APC = Accepting Past Criminals.
PDP = People Deceiving People.
IMO = I Must Obey.
IBADAN = Ibo Boys Are Dangerous At Night.
ABA = Agege Boys Association.
LAGOS = Love All Girls On Sunday.
ABACHA = After Babangida Another Criminal Has Arrived.
GULDER = Girls Under Languor Deserve Extra Romance.
FANTA = Foolish Ashawo Never Takes Advice.
WEEK = Women Education Ends in Kitchen.
NIGERIA = Never Investigate Great Executive Robbers In Authority.
NEPA =Never Expect Power Always.
AIDS = America Invention for Discouraging Sex.
PHCN = Problem Has Change Name
OYO = On Your Own.
NYSC = Now Your Struggle Continue.
GLO = Get Lover Online.
KENYA= Keep Everything Nice Yet Arousing
MTN = Maintain Total Nonsense.
GSM = General Street Madness
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APC = Accepting Past Criminals.
PDP = People Deceiving People.
IMO = I Must Obey.
IBADAN = Ibo Boys Are Dangerous At Night.
ABA = Agege Boys Association.
LAGOS = Love All Girls On Sunday.
ABACHA = After Babangida Another Criminal Has Arrived.
GULDER = Girls Under Languor Deserve Extra Romance.
FANTA = Foolish Ashawo Never Takes Advice.
WEEK = Women Education Ends in Kitchen.
NIGERIA = Never Investigate Great Executive Robbers In Authority.
NEPA =Never Expect Power Always.
AIDS = America Invention for Discouraging Sex.
PHCN = Problem Has Change Name
OYO = On Your Own.
NYSC = Now Your Struggle Continue.
GLO = Get Lover Online.
KENYA= Keep Everything Nice Yet Arousing
MTN = Maintain Total Nonsense.
GSM = General Street Madness
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Views: 34036
BOSS = Busy Over Someone's
BOSS = Busy Over Someone's Success
NIGERIA=Never ignore garri
NIGERIA=Never ignore garri even rice is aware
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