God's Judgement

When God created Adam and Eve, there was equality between man and woman. One day, Adam and Eve had a serious disagreement. Adam called all the animals, but they couldn't resolve the issue, so they took the matter to God. When they came before God, Eve presented her case first. She started like this...

EVE: LORD, I don't know what's wrong with this man o! Every time he annoys me. This is not the first time, or the second time, or even the third time. In fact, last month...

she complained and complained and complained for hours. God had to call an Angel to take notes of her complaints. The Angel tried but couldn't keep up, so He called a 2nd Angel to help - one was writing with a notepad, the other was typing with a laptop. Eventually, a 3rd Angel came with a voice recorder as a back-up.

After 3 days, she finally finished. Adam went next...

ADAM: LORD, it's just a little misunderstanding. We just want YOU to tell us if we should...

He was done in 3 mins. God said, "I will get back to you in 5 days.

The Angels worked for 4 days to summarize all Eve said into a thick cover notebook. God went through it and also through what Adam said. HE called them together on d 5th day and said, "I have considered both sides of the story, this is my judgement. From now on, the woman shall submit to the man."

Eve asked, "But why LORD? Is he better than me?"

God said, "You are both equal. But if you should quarrel again, I may not have enough time to hear your complaints. My job would be easier if you submitted to the man."

So from dat day, Eve submitted to Adam and they lived happily... until they ate the forbidden fruit!
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