Big Dreamer

I'm tired of this nonsense!

So because I gave Obama my phone number, I can no longer rest again? He's always calling me on my phone asking me for advice. Imagine, he called me two weeks ago to tell me that his daughter is getting married!

If your daughter is getting married so what? Then just last week, Jay-z sent me a message on Whatsapp asking for my autograph to give to his wife, Beyonce, I don't even knw how he managed to get my number!

As if that wasn't enough, ever since I gave Bill Gates money to finance his business, Dangote has been coming to my house to disturb me, asking me to help him too. Anyway, I gave him a warehouse filled with money yesterday, I hope he doesn't come back to bother me again!

Even Bill Gates' daughter who I broke up with has been disturbing and calling me on phone, sending me text messages, asking me to accept her back, I just don't know what to do!

Now because I bought Ronaldo a new Lamborghini, Messi started disturbing me to buy for him which I did two days ago.

Most of all, you won't believe that even World bank borrowed money from me yesterday, I don't even know when they'll pay me back.

I'm tired! And all this while I still sleep on the mat on the floor dreaming...
Olamide badoo
1075 116
Views: 30263


jmax's picture

Joseph the dreamer


Olamide the dreamer

Eddyloved Boss's picture

Akpos go back to sleep please

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