All Jokes

In a mathematics class...TEACHER: If Taiwo has 30 bottles of Coke and he drinks 25 bottles, how many bottles will he have left?AKPOS: Taiwo will have diabetes!

Akpos mistakenly sent two million naira to a wrong phone number via Mobile Money. He realized that before the person would withdraw the money, he had to think of what to do to get...

A man gets stranded in the woods. After walking for miles in the dark, he sees a farm from the distance. He concludes he could lay his head for the night. So he knocks on the door...

One day, Akpos who was in primary three, approached his teacher. Akpos said, "Mam, I should be in primary four, Im smarter than my sister and shes in the primary four."The Mam (...

An office manager was given the task of hiring an individual to fill a job opening. After sorting through a stack of rsums he found four people who were equally qualified. An...

The beautiful secretary of the president of a bank goes on a sight-seeing tour with a very rich illiterate African king who was a very important client. The client out of the blue...

A young lady comes out of a bus with her left breast showing. She actually walked down a whole mile. A police man sees her and calls her. "Madam,you do know I can arrest you for...

Below are the Questions Google cannot answer...Who is the first wheelbarrow pusher?Who was the first indigenous woman to fry Akara and Yam?What is the full name of the first...

TEACHER: Akpos, how do you spell "crocodile"? AKPOS: "K-R-O-K-O-D-A-I-L"TEACHER: No, that's wrong.AKPOS: Maybe it's wrong, but you asked me how I spell it!

Akpos and Okon in the office:OKON: Akpos, I have been attending night classes for five months now because I have exams next week.AKPOS: Oh!OKON: Do you know who is Graham Bell?...
