All Jokes
Akpos running out of the ocean all wet when Kwame saw him. KWAME: Akpos, why are you all wet? Are you ok? AKPOS: (panting heavily) Yeah. I was just trying to drown myself. KWAME:...
Two campers where walking down the woods when a big brown bear suddenly appears about 50 feet away from them.The first guy drops his backpack digs out a sneakers and begins to...
Akpos came back from the bank with lots of money. Immediately he entered his house, he realised that criminals were after him. He heard a gunshot and that gave him a serious...
Having flogged him for his poor performance in an English language test.TEACHER: You are just such a dummy! You can't even make a simple sentence in your test. AKPOS: Haba aunty!...
A man walked into a supermarket with his zipper down. A lady walked up to him and said, "Your barracks door is open." He did not understand her, so he went on his way looking...
A widower with three children got married to a widow with two kids and gave birth to three children together. One day a fight occurred amongst all the children. The woman tried to...
TEACHER: Give the longest sentence. ADE: life imprisonment!
In a primary school class...TEACHER: Cynthia, stand up and tell us the opposite of man.CYNTHIA: Ma, the answer is woman.TEACHER: Good! Akpos, stand up and tell us the opposite of...
AKPOS: Honey, do you know people consider me as God?WIFE: (surprised) No dear. Why?AKPOS: Wherever I go, people always say, "Oh God! You are here again!".
An American doctor says, "Medicine in my country is so advanced that we can take a kidney out of one man, put it in another and have him looking for work in six weeks!" A British...