All Jokes

A conversation between an husband and wife in their bedroom getting ready to have sex.HUSBAND: Dear, you should have this hair shaved a bit.WIFE: [Rolls her eyes] Yea! heard that...

Akpos was in his limousine when he saw a man eating grass by the roadside. He ordered his driver to stop and he got out to investigate.AKPOS: Why are you eating grass?POOR MAN: I...

You are in 400 level and your G.P can not even flash MTN to MTN, yet you are telling a guy to buy you Brazilian hair of N 250,000 for your birthday. On which head?

A certain Governor and his personal assistant were on a tour in his state and all of a sudden his driver ran into potholes again and again.It became too much that he even hit his...

A young teanage girl was a prostitute and for obvious reasons hid it from her grandma. One day the police arrested, a group of prostitutes including the girl. The prostitutes were...

There is this girl I love so much but I still don't know why she won't talk to me anymore. It started like this:She posted on Facebook: "All men are dogs!" I commented: "Which...

SON: Mummy, today on our way back on the bus daddy told me to give up my seat for a woman.MOTHER: Well that's responsible of your father. I hope u stood up. SON: I tried not to...

A man was not feeling well and went to the doctor for checkup. After the doctor examined the man he said "I am sorry but you are dying" the man asked with shock "how much time do...

When I went to school I was taught:PUSSY meant a CATSEX meant GENDERBITCH was a FEMALE DOGDICK was a NAMEBANG was a SOUNDRUBBER was an ERASERASS was an ANIMALSCREW was just a...

TEACHER: How can you hit an egg on a concrete floor without breaking it?AKPOS: Anyhow you like. Concrete floors are very hard to crack!
