All Jokes

A conversation between an husband and wife in their bedroom getting ready to have sex.HUSBAND: Dear, you should have this hair shaved a bit.WIFE: [Rolls her eyes] Yea! heard that...

Akpos was in his limousine when he saw a man eating grass by the roadside. He ordered his driver to stop and he got out to investigate.AKPOS: Why are you eating grass?POOR MAN: I...

A certain Governor and his personal assistant were on a tour in his state and all of a sudden his driver ran into potholes again and again.It became too much that he even hit his...

TEACHER: How can you hit an egg on a concrete floor without breaking it?AKPOS: Anyhow you like. Concrete floors are very hard to crack!

There is this girl I love so much but I still don't know why she won't talk to me anymore. It started like this:She posted on Facebook: "All men are dogs!" I commented: "Which...

A photographer for a national magazine was assigned to take pictures of a great forest fire. He was advised that a small plane would be waiting to fly him over the fire.The...

SON: Mummy, today on our way back on the bus daddy told me to give up my seat for a woman.MOTHER: Well that's responsible of your father. I hope u stood up. SON: I tried not to...

When I went to school I was taught:PUSSY meant a CATSEX meant GENDERBITCH was a FEMALE DOGDICK was a NAMEBANG was a SOUNDRUBBER was an ERASERASS was an ANIMALSCREW was just a...

Akpos attended a church service one Sunday. He sat beside a very ugly girl. While the pastor was preaching he said, "Tell the person seated next to you that he or she is beautiful...

WIFE: Honey before we got married, you used to give me gifts and expensive jewelry.HUSBAND: Yes, and?WIFE: How come you don't do it anymore?HUSBAND: Have you ever seen a fisherman...
