General Jokes
A policeman pulled a blonde over after she'd been driving the wrong way on a one-way street. POLICE: Do you know where you were going? BLONDE: No, but wherever it is, it must be...
Having tried everything else, Akpos decide to return to his home town to contest as a member of the House of Assembly. The following conversation occur:PARTY CHAIRMAN: Yes Mr...
A blind man walks into a bar, makes his way to a bar stool and orders a drink. After sitting there for a while, he yells to the bartender. "Hey, You wanna hear a blonde joke?"The...
There is a South-African man, a Nigerian man, and a Ghanaian man on a plane that is too heavy to fly and they are about to crash. They each have to throw something off the plane...
Akpos stopped by the corner provision store and read the following list to the shop attendant:10 pounds sugar at N1.25 per gram4 pounds coffee at N1.50 per gram2 pounds butter at...
UNICEF RESEARCHER: Doctors world over recommend that babies are breastfed exclusively in their first 6 months of life, but Male babies, unlike the obedient female babies, disobey...
Yesterday, I had only N3,000 in my pocket and I was very hungry. But I wanted to eat good food, so I went to one high class hotel at Ikeja, Lagos and made an order for the most...
Three thieves were taken to court, and were found guilty.The first man stole a tin of sardine. The judge sentenced him to three years in prison because there were three fishes in...
A movie director was determined to make the greatest epic movie ever filmed and the film was to contain the greatest battle scene ever filmed. "I will use two armies." he said...
IJEOMA: Biodun says I'm ugly, but then Emeka says I'm pretty. What do you think Akpos?Akpos: A bit of both. I'd say you're pretty ugly.