Broken: Episode 15

The confusion that engulfed my life this past weekend was the worst I ever came across. As I got out of bed to prepare for work, the events that took place at Kofo’s place last night as she got back with her boyfriend kept replaying in my head. I tried to shake off the downcast feeling that was taking over me and finally got myself to a place that was okay mentally and began my drive to work. I got to work early as usual and just stayed at my desk to brood. After some few minutes, Alex came into the office with his usual excited mood, he came over to my desk and began to tell me how his weekend went and all the conquest that met his bed, he asked how mine went and all I could say was that I don’t know. He noticed I wasn’t really in the right state of mind so he left me in my sad state.

Next to walk into the office was Cynthia, I didn’t call her the previous night to explain how my plan to profess my love to Kofo went so I guessed she was going to walk up to me anytime from now to ask me different questions. After a while, Cynthia walked up to my desk and just stared at me for a while before she spoke:

“Kofo called me last night and told me she finally got back with her boyfriend and you played a key part in making that happen. Are you mad?!" She asked with a stern look on her face. I went ahead to explain my actions, she didn’t seem satisfied and advised me to look for how I was going to make my intentions known to Kofo because she believes I’m right for her. We spoke for a while and digressed to other topics but my attention was cut short as my eye cut the glance of Kofo walking into the office, she was stunning. She looked gorgeous on this beautiful Monday morning; her smile as usual was radiant.

She walked hurriedly to my desk to meet Cynthia and they did their usual female greeting as they screamed with their high pitched voice like they hadn’t seen each other in forever, she finally turned to me and said hello with a shy smile on her face. I smiled back and asked if everything went well after I left last night, she seemed reluctant to give me an answer and said we would talk better during the lunch break. I had no objection towards that as long as her boyfriend doesn’t come to kick my ass due to a jealous fit.

After what seemed like forever, lunch break came and Kofo walked up to me and said we should head out together. We went to the usual restaurant across the office and after settling down and making our order, Kofo said she had some news for me; she had the most serious look I had ever seen on her face, I paid my full attention to her as she began to talk and said:

“Bayo proposed to me last night and I said yes” I blanked out after I heard that, every other thing coming out of her mouth didn’t make any sense to me, I didn’t know what to think, talk less of saying.

I just sat there staring at her. I finally came back to my senses and told her I was happy for her with a forced smile on my face, I also asked if this wasn’t too early since she wasn’t even done with her university education but she replied that the plan was to get married immediately after her passing out the following year. She went on to talk about how he was glad that I was able to talk to her to forgive him and he was hoping he could be friends with me since we were also namesakes. I didn’t want to say anything that will make her see how hurt I was so I just told her okay.

The food finally came but my appetite already took a long walk away. I stared at the food hoping for it to come alive and tell me everything will be fine, I felt like I already lost everything. I decided to act like I got a phone call from my boss about him needing my attention back at the office immediately, this worked so I asked for my food to be packed and I left with it and told her I was going to be in the office when she was done. I rushed back to the office to look for Cynthia to find out if she knew Kofo was already engaged when she spoke to me this morning, I finally found her and lo and behold, she was aware, but Kofo told her not to tell me because she wanted to break the news to me instead. I felt like shit, I walked back to my desk and sat there for a while as I kept thinking and processing all the information that I just found out in the past thirty minutes.

In my state of complete melancholy, I received a text from Brenda apologizing, I figured I couldn’t stay angry with her forever so I called and told her I was over it. She asked if I could come over when I was done with work but I told her I was really stressed and would like to rest for the rest of the night but the next night might be a possibility. She had no problem with that and told me to take good care of myself and try not to involve myself in any strenuous activity for the rest of the day, I was glad to hear how caring she was and that put a little smile on my face.

The day came to an end finally and I was glad. I couldn’t wait to get out of the office just to get that day over with. Before I could leave, Kofo walked up to me and told me we didn’t finish our conversation from lunch, she said she wanted to be sure if there wasn’t any bad feelings between us because of what happened during the weekend at my place. I told her she had nothing to worry about, all I wanted was to see her happy and if it lies with him then there’s nothing I can do about it. I walked away and tried not to look back, I got into my car and began my drive back home, after so much rush hour traffic, I got home and took a shower, laid in my bed and got consumed by the gloomy mood that had been knocking on the door of my heart all day.



Prince ify's picture

There is God o o o o o o

ama's picture

waiiting for next episode :)

Kindy's picture

Pls let me knw wen u v d nxt series

Dorololly's picture

Intresting!endeavour to post d nxt episode Asap.

great's picture

my patience is almost exhausted... be fast ooo

Horpeyemi's picture

Nice 1 cant wait 4 d next episode.

jokky's picture

Pls admin b fast wit d episodes,cnt wait

Chochos jnr's picture

Nxt one pls

Adnan's picture

Pls be fast about d next episod

popech's picture

ɪ̣̝̇†̥̥ƨ̣̇ rili Å̶̷̩̥͡ 9ce wrk.....buh Ȋ̝̊̅ rili just wish T̶̲̥̅̊ђε̲̣̣̣̥ nxt episode could be awt Di̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ moment........all dsame gr8 wrk.....kip it up #popechy#

daniel's picture

next episode please!

Jaydon's picture

wow,bafflingly,subconsciously interestinly waitinly nxt epi

solly's picture

Nt de suspensful ending I ws hoping for, bt good anyway. Pls post nxt episode much sooner

Amina's picture

Very nice but don't take too long to post the next episode. Thanx

Nana's picture

vry nyc. w8n for the nxt episode

darling's picture

Hey, what is wrong with u, did u want us to 4get some places in this episode before u post the next 1, NO TIME TO WAST,,, COME ON, MAN

darling's picture

Hey, what is wrong with u, did u want us to 4get some places in this episode before u post the next 1, NO TIME TO WAST,,, COME ON, MAN.

Nana's picture

pls hurry

holuwakhemie's picture

Nice one,can't wait for episode 16...!but pls is taking too much time to realease d other episode.

Marvelous's picture

Its a nice one but pls try nt to waste time in posting d next episode

coKAYne's picture

Waiting for the next episode

Sandra's picture

Nice one , but pls try nt to waste time in posting the next episode tanks

kwis's picture

y do we av tew wait sooo long. pls waitin.

tee's picture

Nice 1 bt ure keepin us 4 2 long

oluwafemi's picture

I love dis article like kilode, waiting for d next. Add me up. Female only 22ACB6D3

Abhay's picture

I thought I was going to see like 5 episodes. Pls post the next episodes on time. Can't waittttttttt!

Ubandoma's picture

Hm great

sandi's picture

Nice one,bt taking too long.pls nxt....

Kenyan's picture

Hey buddy i like ur writting
i mean the choice of words n how your play with our emotions
but u r taking so long to post the article until me and other readers for the. loose the flow of the episodes try to shorted the tym...otherwise they are nice articles...

Abdul razaq's picture

Don ALLAH kuyi post din episode nagaba da wuri sabida.i cnt wait oooooo

ADMIN.'s picture

I'm sorry for making it look longer. I know you guys cann't wait for the nest episode. You know we all want the best for you all. So please give us small time. Thanks.

bukola's picture

Waiting for the next episode

Emerald's picture

The storyline is alright but it seems you are forgetting the story. In Episode 3 you wrote that Kofo is a corps member so how in this episode She is yet to graduate?
Besides, when is the episode 4 of Man-God coming out?

Hemeritus's picture

Really interesting.. Can't wait to read the nxt episode

baby jay's picture

Nice work....guyz plz b fast abt d next episode

patrick's picture

plzzz b hurry b4 we 4get

QueenTasha's picture

My oh my! Please dnt tek long to post the next one!

Tosiniwasokun's picture


mizzoluchy's picture

plz dont waste time again, wen i saw dis episode i jst jumped out of my sit in office and pple were like are u ok?
buh they dont undastand only u guys will

Me's picture

Abeg post d next one fast fast. Tnx

lastborn's picture

Dat is nice. Pls post d next fast I can wait 4 it. Keep it up guy. U re doing a nice job

Vera's picture

Waitin 4d nxt episode

MELA's picture


endure's picture

nice one realy sounds real, but pls and pls try ur very best to post the nest episode without delay pls.

Ade's picture

Admin you are doing good and wonderful job. Pls, as you can see from your followers comments, its taking too long before we get new episodes. Nna bikonu, joo, d'Allah, pls don't let it be long before before we get the gists.

Bibi's picture

I luv every beat of dis story

Ice berry's picture


xtraordinary Boy's picture

Plzzz admin, help us out.... De nxt episode shouldn't be nxt year ooh....

olufemi joy.'s picture

Lol...touchin.waitin 4 d nxt episode o!plz dnt b lng na.

janet's picture

Nice 1


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