Little Pleasures of Life

These are the greatest and little PLEASURES OF LIFE. Better than MONEY or SEX...

1. Finishing Your Meal with the LAST piece of meat.

2. Getting in bed when its raining hard and stormy outside.

3. When something stuck in your teeth finally comes out.

4. Managing to finally sneeze after trying unsuccessfully for over 4 times.

5. The moment you see the waiter approaching with your food.

6. Finally lying in YOUR OWN bed after an exhausting day or night out.

7. Waking up suddenly, checking the clock and seeing that you have plenty of sleep time left.

8. The other side of the pillow.

9. Visiting a friend and finding food at their place. Plenty of it.

10. The smell of clean, dry clothes straight from the dry cleaner or hanging line.

11. Making a baby Laugh. Over and over again.

12. Watching Your best friend stumble and fall in the streets.

13. The Moment when it's too hot in bed and you stick out one leg and catch some cool, cool air.

14. That moment in a public bus when your favorite song ends exactly when you've reached your destination.

15. Having a serious itching at a certain spot on your back, trying to reach yourself and scratch yourself unsuccessfully and finally getting scratched by someone else perfectly.

16. Clean, Fresh bedsheets/bed covers on your bed.

17. Finally removing Your bra after getting home.

18. Going to bed immediately after taking a shower.

19. Holding a baby and watching them sleep.

20. The smell of sand when it just starting to drizzling.

21. Finding a toilet, ANY TOILET, and finally being able to pee/poop after being pressed for over 2 hours.

22. Asking a question on Google and seeing it finish your words, meaning there are other nosy people out there wondering the same thing as you.

23. Finding money You NEVER knew you had at a corner of your pockets/purse.

24. Angrily banging your phone across the room, rushing to pick it up gently, inspecting it carefully only to find that NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING has happened to it.

25. When a baby holds your finger tightly in her tiny hand as you walk in the streets or market.

26. Doing something for hours, then returning to your phone and finding it full of text messages and missed calls.

27. Laughing so hard you cry. Or laughing so hard that no noise comes out... you are just there
shaking like an idiot and holding on to your poor stomach.

28. Taking a cold beer after a hard day of work nothing beats such pleasures... NOTHING!

29. Reading this post wherever you are right now.
Victor James
1468 120
Views: 33752


Jeromes ug's picture

I'm in Uganda and happy with this

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