What Do You Have?

MAN: Marry me?

WOMAN: Do you have a flat?

MAN: No.

WOMAN: Do you have a Camry car?

MAN: No.

WOMAN: How much is your salary?

MAN: No salary, but I...

WOMAN: No but! You have nothing. How can I marry you? Leave please before I open eyes for you!

MAN: But I have one estate, 3 landed properties in GRA, 3 Ferraris, 2 Porsches and 2 G wagons. Why do I still need to buy a Camry? How can I be paid salary when actually I'm the BOSS?

WOMAN: That's why I told you to leave, cause am coming to your house myself to propose to you.

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Views: 22071




fenko's picture

nice one.

Eva's picture

What is the most curious letter?
answer: Y?

prime10's picture

It is very interesting and it keeps me laughing

Bizzi_brian's picture

So intrested

emzy's picture

gud one

G-zay's picture

So cuuuuuuul...

B o n e s -'s picture

A woman can be devilish .
A cameleon remains what it is even when it changes it color .

Smart's picture

Mice one sorry i mean nice one

Akaa junior's picture

Women nowdays are expensive, they don't want to marry poor people, why??

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