Jealous husband

HUSBAND: My wife where are you?
WIFE: At home love.
HUSBAND: Are you sure?
WIFE: Yes.
HUSBAND: Turn on the blender.
WIFE: (turns blender on) reeereeeereeee
HUSBAND: Ok my love goodbye.

Another day

HUSBAND: My wife where are you?
WIFE: At home love
HUSBAND: Are you sure?
HUSBAND: Turn on the blender
WIFE: (turns blender on) reeereeeereeee
HUSBAND: Ok my love goodbye

The next day, the husband decides to go home without notice, and finds his son alone and he asked him son where is your mother?

SON: I don't know, she went out with the blender.
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Views: 1091055


Beauty 's picture

Haaaaaaaa shebi na d sound of blender d man won hear.

Atinuke's picture

Na The Blender He Won Hear de voice.So man don't be too jealous ooo.

DORA's picture


BBB's picture

dats cul next time he will learn not b jealous again.

evang james's picture

Add up 294C13D0

TESTI's picture


Irene Esi's picture

i lyk the jokes

Karren's picture

The woman is clever.


I love this website!

Louis victor's picture

That is a very good woman the man want to hear the sound nah so that is what she is doing is good for him next time the man will not get jealous again

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