Mountain climbing

Two mountain climbers reached the top of a mountain when one fell into a large crack.

"Are you ok?", the other one asked.

"Not really", said the other.

"Ok I'll drop a rope down so I can pull you up".

"I can't, my hands are broken" said the other again.

"Ok then try tying it to your legs."

"I can't my legs are broken."

"Ok then put it in your mouth and I'll pull you up."


The man puts it in his mouth and is pulled by the other. Half way up, the one pulling asks "are you ok?"

The other one answers "yeaaaa..."
2633 1539
Views: 247356


Osas Melody's picture



He's gon fall from the Mount

Bluetooth's picture

And that's the end ^_^

Mhiz-Precious's picture

Immediately i read the question "are you ok?" i have already known he would foolishly answer..!

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