Father Akpos

Father Akpos gets a message from the bishop that he will come and visit the parish. Father Akpos panics because he is living a life of luxury in a parish that has practically no one attending church.

Father Akpos goes to his maid and tells her they will have to get all the furniture out of the rectory. So, they arrange with a farmer to store all the furniture in his farm house. When the bishop arrives, Father Akpos shows him around starting from the sitting room.

BISHOP: Why are there no sofas?

FATHER AKPOS: Jesus didn’t have a sofa to sit, so I don’t need one either.

This answer satisfies the bishop and they go on to the dining room.

BISHOP: Why is there no table?

FATHER AKPOS: Jesus didn’t have a table so I don’t need one either.

BISHOP: But where do you eat then?

FATHER AKPOS: Well, my maid sits on her hands and knees and I eat off her back, when I’m finished we swap roles and she eats of my back. We despise luxury here.

Again this answer satisfies the bishop and they move on to the bedroom.

BISHOP: This is, again, a room that has no furniture in it. But, how do you sleep then?

FATHER AKPOS: We just flip over the table i.e. the maid.

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Nice work

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