Who is a muslim here

A man entered a mosque carrying a brand new smooth machette and asked "Who is a muslim here?"

The whole mosque went as silent as a grave yard. The man asked again, "How can a full mosque have no muslim?". No one replied.

The man then grabs the nearby young man and goes out with him and tells him, "son come help me slaughter my goat for I don't know how to do it".

After the young man had slaughtered the goat, he tells the man that he doesn't know how to skin it and that the man would have to go back to the mosque and get someone else to help him on that.The man returns to the mosque with a machete dripping with blood.

When the Imam saw this, he immediately shouts "Praise the Looooooooord! The whole mosque responds,"halleluyaaaah!!!"
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VannX's picture

Truly he deserve praises

VannX's picture

Truly he deserve praises

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