Underground Mine

Kwame and one of his friend decided to apply for job at a mine that had just opened near them.

After sitting in the waiting room for a while, his friend got called in for his interview.

The boss asked him if he had worked underground mines before?

He said that he had.

The boss asked him how deep underground he worked?

He said, "Oh, about 8 to 10 feet."

The boss said, "Mines are a lot deeper than that, get out of here, you are not a miner!"

Coming out, he told Kwame to tell the boss that he worked real deep underground so he can get the job instead.

Kwame got called in.

The boss asked him if he had worked underground mines before?

Kwame said, "Oh yes."

The boss asked how deep underground he worked.

Kwame said, "I used to work in a mine 20,000 feet underground."

The boss said, "20,000 feet, wow! That is incredible! What kind of lights did you use in a mine so deep underground?"

Kwame said, "Oh, I did not use light, I worked on the day shift!"
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VannX's picture

I think has no chance for working at the mines at all but his friend may.
Kwame is a mad liar

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