Akpos and Death

One fateful day, Mr. Death came to Akpos

DEATH: Akpos, today is your day
AKPOS: But I am not ready!
DEATH: Well your name is the next on my list.
AKPOS: Okay why don't you take a seat and I will get you something to eat before we go?
DEATH: All right.

Akpos gave death some food with sleeping pills in it, death finished eating and fell into a deep sleep. Akpos took the list and removed his name from top of the list and put it at the bottom of the list.

When death woke up he smiled and said to Akpos, "Because you have been very nice to me, I will start from the BOTTOM of the list"
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Osas Melody's picture

My guy death is your calling

Louis victor's picture

My man death is calling you and there is nothing you can do about it

You caused your own death

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