Out of The World

l was in a restaurant in Ikoyi, last week, where l met an Australian man eating. When the man finished eating, l heard him shout, "WAOOH! This is out of the world!"

l was so impressed by his remarks. This prompted me to find out what was so special about the food he ate. So l ordered for a plate of the food. l was surprised when l ate the food, nothing special about it. l thought to myself, "Maybe the 'WAOOH' taste is in the wine he had." So, I ordered for the wine. l was really disappointed, why did the man shout? l concluded maybe he wanted to show off.

Before l left the table, l saw the price of what l ate to be N20,500 for the food and N10,000 for the wine. Then l shouted, "WWAAOOHH! This is out of the world!''

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Badpaul_2010's picture

Na why they say copy copy no good.

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