Akpos and the police officers

Akpos gets pulled over for speeding 88mph in a 45 zone. The cop asks for his drivers license and Akpos says, "I'm sorry officer, but my license was suspended after my 5th Accident." The cop asks for his registration and Akpos says "It's in the glove compartment, but it's not in my name because I stole this car in a car jacking and I killed the woman that owns the car and stuffed her in the trunk and the gun I used is in the glove compartment.

At this point the cop tells Akpos to keep his hands in sight and he radios for back-up. When a supervisor shows up, the cop tells him the story and he walks up to Akpos in the car. The supervisor asks to see Akpos' drivers license and Akpos hands it over and it is valid with Akpos' real name and information. The supervisor asks for the registration and Akpos says, "It's in the Glove compartment." The supervisor tells him to keep his hands in sight and walks around to the passenger side and opens the glove compartment. There is the registration in Akpos' name and everything seems in order. Next the supervisor asks Akpos to get out and open the trunk. He opens the trunk and the only thing there is a spare tire. At this point the supervisor tells Akpos what the other cop had told him.

Akpos says "I bet that lying son of a b**** probably told you I was speeding too huh!"
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