Everybody Down!
Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 05/23/2014 - 15:40
Akpos went to rob a city bank.
"Everybody down!" Akpos shouted.
Everyone laid flat on the ground. "Where is the bank manager?" He asked.
A young fearful man stood up and said, "Here I am."
Akpos: Open the safe and bring out all d money.
MANAGER: (stammering) No,I can't sir.
Akpos; What?! Are you crazy?! You are lucky I'm with a toy gun, I would have blown your brains off!...
Akpos is currently receiving treatment at the prison hospital.
"Everybody down!" Akpos shouted.
Everyone laid flat on the ground. "Where is the bank manager?" He asked.
A young fearful man stood up and said, "Here I am."
Akpos: Open the safe and bring out all d money.
MANAGER: (stammering) No,I can't sir.
Akpos; What?! Are you crazy?! You are lucky I'm with a toy gun, I would have blown your brains off!...
Akpos is currently receiving treatment at the prison hospital.
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