It can only get better

WOMAN: My Husband is not interested in sex
DOCTOR: Okay, Give these pills to him. Everyday, put one pill in his tea.

The woman did and they had sex which she really enjoyed. Next day she thought to herself "It can only get better" and puts two pills in his tea and they enjoyed more sex.

On the third day, she emptied the whole bottle in his tea.

Two days later doctor called to know the progress.

Their son answered, "Mommy is in coma at the moment, Aunty is in hospital, the maid is suing dad for rape and daddy is still running naked in the garden, shouting Bingo! Bingo!! Bingo!!! Even the dogs are running for their lives."
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Views: 175566


mr man's picture

Akpos U re so funny

Jeebreel's picture

Knw be wayting she want

Louis victor's picture

Omo see wetin the woman cause she don make she land for coma the anuty hosital the maid too even dog are runing for their dear life Lol

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