Letter to My Secondary School Teachers

This letter is for the teachers that taught me during my secondary school days...

To my MATHEMATICS TEACHER, you did well, but the formulas and quadratic equations you taught in class, I am not using them in my place of work.

To my ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER, you were superb, but I now live in China. So all the English grammar and idiomatic expressions are completely useless now.

To my CHEMISTRY TEACHER, you tried so hard, but I couldn't understand your subject. Anyway, all the chemical compounds and Sodium Nitrogen you mentioned, I haven't come across any of them in life yet.

To my BIOLOGY TEACHER, your class was the most interesting, especially the topic 'REPRODUCTION' but now I am shocked to see 'same-sex marriage'. You didn't make mention of it at all.

To my CRK TEACHER, at least I remember you telling us how God created Heaven and this planet Earth, But what you forgot to tell us is who created Mars, Pluto and other planets.

To my ECONOMICS TEACHER, inflation, production, distribution, consumption. Well... My economisation hasn't been poor because I paid so much attention.

To my GEOGRAPHY TEACHER, you were sometimes funny, I still can't understand how the Earth Rotates around the Sun (yet my house is not moving). The Raining and Dry season you talked about, I don't seem to understand the season anymore.

To my HISTORY TEACHER, thanks for keeping records of the past, the future really matter now.

I will send my next letter to the Principal, Staffs and other teachers I didn't mention.
@ 2BF00ABD
1077 97
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Happy osy's picture

What of agricultural science

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