My First One

Today I saw a little boy crying holding N100. I asked him what was the problem, he said, "My mom gave me this N100 after I lost my first one while playing."

I chuckled and said, "So why cry? That's not a bad thing then."

He looked at me with long tearful face sobbing and said, "It would have been N200 now!"

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Mr'Abdul's picture

Christæn keep advatising that they are the children of Jesus crist,and most even call Him "father". ...I think all Cristæn should go for change of names, eg:Cristopha Poul= Cristopha Jesus,Goodluck Ebele Jonathan=Goodluck Ebele Jesus. As some also said Jesus is alive, please he should contest for 2o19 election.I think if he contest and wins,mayB him go cary 9ja out of dese problem!"!...

Lil sckanty's picture

mr abdul ur an idiot

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