
English is a funny Language. One fascinating word of English Language is Oxymoron: An Oxymoron is defined as a phrase in which two words of opposite meanings are brought together.

Here are some area scatter oxymorons...

1) Independently dependent.

2) Clearly Misunderstood.

3) Exact Estimate.

4) Small Crowd.

5) Act Naturally.

6) Found Missing.

7) Fully Empty.

8) Pretty Ugly.

9) Seriously Funny.

10) Only Choice.

11) Original Copies.

12) Open Secret.

13) Tragic Comedy.

14) Foolish Wisdom.

15) Liquid Gas.

16) Stupidly Intelligent.

17) Richly Poor.

18) Naturally Homemade.

19) Impatiently Waiting.

20) Living Dead.

21) Beautifully Ugly.

22) Educated Illiterate.

And The Mother of all...


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