Silent Couple in Bed
Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 03/01/2013 - 11:28
Wife thinks, "Why is he not talking to me? Is he thinking of another woman? Is he seeing someone else? Don't I appeal to him anymore? Is he trying to dump me? Is he now finding me ugly? Am I not sweet anymore in bed? Does my make-up repel him these days? WHY IS HE UPSET?!"
Husband thinks, "How on earth can ARSENAL lose 6-0 to Chelsea?! WENGER MUST GO!!!"
Husband thinks, "How on earth can ARSENAL lose 6-0 to Chelsea?! WENGER MUST GO!!!"
Views: 349635
Woman is bothered about love
Woman is bothered about love.Man is bothered about football.Wetin dey do us differ.
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