Tired Of Living

My girlfriend told me it's over between us, I thought about it and decided that life without her is meaningless, so I
decided to kill myself.

I drank Lacasera wit Suya but nothing happened, I proceeded to another level of poisonous concoction, so I prepared Turkey and Gizzard with strawberry juice and lot of fresh tomatoes, yet nothing. I ate cake, chocolate mixed wit ice cream, still I didn't die.

I'm so confused and tired right now because I just finished eating fried rice wit Maltina and fresh fruit salad but nothing happened. What should I do to kill myself?

I need advice, please!!!
1530 555
Views: 60603


mim's picture

Soak garri,water,sugar nd red oil

JAGABAN's picture


ZOYA's picture

Drink rat poision


Bro continue eating those good food and move on.Enjoy your life.

ÏƊÉRÂ's picture

Eat fufu and bread with palmwine

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