Religious Jokes

God was just about done creating the universe, but he had two things left in his bag of creations, so he decided to split them between Adam and Eve. He told the couple that one of...

PASTOR: If your bible and your Iphone is falling, which one will you catch first?AKPOS: My Iphone. Because the word of God cannot be broken.

There was a long line of souls before the gate of Heaven and Hell. Waiting on line beside each other were two residents of Lagos city, a 'Danfo' (bus) driver and a pastor and they...

I was in church one day when a pastor said, "Tell your neighbour what happened to your neighbour, will happen to you!" I turned to my neighbour and saw a guy bandaged all...

Akpos belonged to a society in the church. The society was expected to present a drama on the up coming youth talent day.The leader of the society came up with an interesting...

A woman goes to a prophet who tells her, "Prepare yourself for widowhood... Your husband is about to die a violent death."The woman takes a deep breath and replies, "Will I go to...

Women will always be women. You can't take away gossip from them. Even when they are pastors, they be like:"LET'S REMEMBER SISTER AMAKA IN PRAYERS, SHE HAS HIV."

A husband comes home from church.He greeted his wife and lifted her up. He carried her around the house.The wife was so surprised and she asked, "Did the pastor preach about being...

A man standing on a ladder leaning on a 25 storey building was cleaning his window when suddenly his ladder slipped, as he was falling he was able to grab a pipe, so he started...

One day, when a tailor was sewing while sitting close to a river, her thimble (used for protecting fingers when sewing) fell into the river. When she cried out, the Lord appeared...
