All Jokes
Having tried everything else, Akpos decide to return to his home town to contest as a member of the House of Assembly. The following conversation occur:PARTY CHAIRMAN: Yes Mr...
Three prominent politicians in Nigeria boarded the same flight to from Abuja to Lagos.The first Politician started, "I can throw one N1000 note down and make one person laugh.""I...
TEACHER: Why did you bring a ROPE to the Exam hall?AKPOS: My dad told me to SKIP the questions I don't know.
Akpos was in the classroom one day and his teacher asked him a question.TEACHER: Akpos! what do you call a deer with no eyes?AKPOS: ''No idea" ma.
A wife tries to teach the dog to sit up. After a few fails her husband tells:HUSBAND: Darling, forget it, you won't succeed...WIFE: Don't worry, in the beginning, it was difficult...
A blind man walks into a bar, makes his way to a bar stool and orders a drink. After sitting there for a while, he yells to the bartender. "Hey, You wanna hear a blonde joke?"The...
Akpos and Esther were to get married in one week. Two days to their wedding, Esther decides to stay in Akpos's house. In the middle of the night, Akpos got aroused and started...
After having sex, Akpos and his girlfriend were gisting in his room when she suddenly asked him a silly question:...
Akpos and his friend, Kwame where coming from school. Suddenly, they saw a burning fire. Akpos thought of something stupid and said:AKPOS: Kwame. If you can put your ring finger...
CYNTHIA: (Akpos' Girlfriend) Akpos, my birthday is in two days, will you throw a party for me?AKPOS: And who will catch it?