All Jokes
The is the full story of my life...Name: AKPOS HOBBIES: Collecting Teeth from live lions, catching bullets with bare hands, jogging up and down mount everest.MY RECORDS: Fought...
Chat between a white girl and her boyfriend:BOY: HoneyGIRL: Yes sugar.BOY: What are you wearing?GIRL: A cute pink shirt, a pair of denims, and the pink sandals I got at the mall....
Akpos and his father were having a discussion:FATHER: I have told you not to stay at the bus stop again!AKPOS: But, papa why? FATHER: Do you want to become an area boy?AKPOS: But...
A man died and went to Heaven. As he stood in front of the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him. He asked, ''Why all the clocks?''St. Peter answered, ''Those are...
Akpos and his friend falls down a hole.HIS FRIEND: Its dark in here.AKPOS: I don't know, I can't see!
TEACHER: Children, can you tel me the pet animals you have in your house? RICHARD: I have a dog and a cat SHARON: I have a gold fish in an aquarium and...
Akpos and his friend Kwame fell into a pit at night, the following conversation occured: KWAME: Akpos are you hurt? Are you sure you're ok...
I'm tired of all these Dettol advertisements. My younger brother who is just 5 years old carries Dettol in his pocket anywhere he goes. He pours Dettol in the toilet before using...
Two lunatics, Akpos and Angelina escaped from a psychiatric home. Only few blocks away from the psychiatric home, Akpos asked Angelina...AKPOS: Where are we heading to?ANGELINA:...