All Jokes

GIRL: I am warning you, my mum is coming back soon. BOY: Errr...but am not doing anything. GIRL: That's why am warning you, hurry up!

After a business trip a lady returned home, where she met her son and maid working on a puzzle, this conversation ensued between the three of them,MUM: What did you and daddy do...

Some assassins were sent to Adolf Hitler. The assassination was scheduled to take place at 9:00am as it was the time he was usually at home. Unfortunately, he was absent and the...

Jonathan met with the Queen of England.He asked her, "How do you run such an efficient government? Are there any tips u can give to me? I want to help Nigeria.""Well," said the...

50 cent, Birdman & Akpos got a heli crash and landed on a very large mountain. They saw an inscription on the mountain say:"Run towards the edge and shout out your biggest wish"50...

Two blondes were sitting on a bench on the Atlantic City boardwalk admiring a beautiful, bright full moon. One said to the other, "I wonder which is further away, Florida or the...

AKPOS: Mum, grandma is so annoying, I wish she will just die.MUM: Idiot! Its your Mother that will die, not mine. Who is more stupid?

Akpos nd Isabella were the latest couple in town. One day, while strolling down the street, they came to a boutique and Isabella saw a beautiful dress."Akpos, can you please give...

Q: How do you count cows?A: With a cowculator.

Akpos' boss called him on a Saturday morning and asked him to come to work, Akpos replied "I would love to but I'm in traffic" His boss then asked "When can you get here?"Akpos...
