General Jokes
A plane was taking off from Nairobi Airport. After it reached a comfortable cruising altitude, the captain made an announcement over the intercom, "Ladies and gentlemen, this is...
Two young ladies arrived at a meeting wearing clothes which were very revealing. The chairman took a good look at them and made them sit down. He looked at them straight in...
Mother rat and a baby rat were walking along, when all of a sudden, a cat attacked them. The mother mouse goes, "BARK!" and the cat runs away."See?" says the mother mouse to her...
This brief conversation ensued between Akpos and his landlord...LANDLORD: (knocks at Akpos door)AKPOS: (Opens the door)LANDLORD: Hey man, I'm looking for my house rent?AKPOS: You...
A man was shopping with his wife in the mall. The man notices a very sexy and skimpily dressed young lady walked past them. His gaze concentrated totally on the lady's behind...
A beggar who sits close to a bank and usually held a plate when begging was now holding two plates yesterday. Surprised to see him holding the two plates, one on his right hand...
When human body was first made, all the parts wanted to be the Boss. The brain said, ''I should be the Boss because I control the whole body responses and functions."The legs said...
l need you to answer the questions below...[1] Can one cry under water?[2] Do fish ever get thirsty?[3] Why don't birds fall off from trees when they are asleep?[4] Why is a house...
These are the greatest and little PLEASURES OF LIFE. Better than MONEY or SEX...1. Finishing Your Meal with the LAST piece of meat.2. Getting in bed when its raining hard and...
Late one night, a thief wearing a mask jumped into the path of a well-dressed man and stuck a gun in his ribs. "Give me your money," he demanded.Stubborn, the rich man replied, "...