All Jokes
Akpos dies and goes to heaven. When he gets there, St. Peter is standing at the gate. He says, "If you can answer these three questions I will let you in to heaven. First, how...
A white kid travelled with his dad to Lagos as tourists. The white boy decided to show off to Akpos and his friends:WHITE BOY: I've got MC Donald. What do you have?AKPOS: We have...
WIFE: Dear, there is no rice again in the house. HUSBAND: What are you telling me? I bought a bag of rice to this house last six months, I need an...
A fat man saw an ad that says, "LOSE 5KG IN A WEEK"He calls and said, "I would like to join!"The lady at the end of the call replied, "OK, be ready at 6am tomorrow morning.Next...
On the roof of a very tall building are four men; one is Kenyan, one is South-African, one is Nigerian, and the last one is a Ghanian. The Kenyan walks to the ledge and says, "...
A man came home from work, sat down in his favourite chair, turned on the TV, and said to his wife, "Quick! Bring me a beer before it starts!" She looked a little puzzled, but...
A young newlywed couple were in their honeymoon suite on their wedding night. As they undressed for bed, the husband who was a big burly bruiser, tossed his pants to his bride and...
A Chinese moves to USA after 50 years of living in Shanghai.He bought a home on a small piece of land. The friendly American neighbour decides to go across and welcome the new guy...
AKPOS: I look just exactly like my mumEKAITE: Oh really! me too.AKPOS: But you said your mum is beautiful?
TEACHER: Akpos, What are you going to become in future?AKPOS: A Facebook Admin.TEACHER: I mean what are you going to do for mum and dad when you become a man?AKPOS: Add them as...