All Jokes

TEACHER: What's the difference between pollution and solution? AKPOS: When a politician drowns in water, that's pollution. But when they all drown, that...

Two grown men, fighting on the street, were arrested by a police officer and taken to the police station. At the police station, they were asked what the bone of contention was....

Akpos picked up a blackberry Z10 in a taxi. He checked through the contacts and found "MY number 2" then he called it and luckily the owner answered "Wow! Thank God! Where did you...

A nun and a priest were crossing the Sahara desert on a camel. On the third day out the camel suddenly dropped dead without warning.After dusting themselves off, the nun and the...

Akpos is coming back from work. As he enters the sitting room, his wife asked:WIFE: Darling! Why are you looking so sad?AKPOS: Sweetheart, I have a problem at my office.WIFE: Don'...

A famous inspirational speaker was speaking to an audience and he said, "Best years of my life were spent in the arms of a woman, who wasn't my wife. "The audience was silent and...

A Pastor told his congregation, "Next week, I plan to preach about a sermon titled 'Sin of Lying'. To help you understand the sermon before hand, I want you all to read the book...

Akpos was in the church praying to God. He asked God to give him N100,000. He promised God that if he answers his prayer, he will give N10,000 out of the N100,000 to the poor. But...

One day a man went to a bank and demanded to see the manager.MAN: Where is the f#!*king manager in this f#!*king bank?CASHIER: I'm very sorry sir but we don't use that kind of...

A Farmer buys a young cock. As soon as it comes home, it rushes and mount all the 150 Hens. Farmer is impressed. At lunch, the cock again screws all 150 Hens, Farmer gets tense...
