All Jokes
A boy was sitting at the back of a public transport bus and suddenly at one of the stops, he saw a girl he's being trying to woo get into the bus. After 10 minutes, he decided to...
A secondary school geography teacher went to drink at a beer parlour after school on Friday. His wife was at home waiting for him to come back as usual. Past 4PM, he's notyet back...
A man goes to a restaurant and orders a chicken dish. By the time the food is ready and he is about to eat, the waiter comes back and says, "Sir, I'm afraid there has been a...
Akpos sneaks into his neighbour's compound and climbed the tree to steal some mangoes. As he got down from the tree, he was confronted by his fierce looking neighbour.NEIGHBOUR:...
During an English class, Akpos' teacher taught the class a new word, "Harassment" for their vocabulary.She knew Akpos wasn't attentive so like all teachers, asked him to stand up...
One day a man went to the bar and this conversation followed.MAN: Give me 8 shots of whiskey!BARTENDER: Whats wrong man?MAN: I found out that my brother and my best friend are...
Dear Patient,With reference to your compliant which was not that specific. This is our prescription for some ailments you might have been diagnosed for.Cough - Chew a drum filled...
Akpos enters a barber shop. The barber whispers to his customer:BARBER: This is the dumbest boy in the world. Watch while I prove it to you.The barber puts a N50 note in one hand...
Once there were twins, Mark and Michael, Mark was the owner of a old boat. It so happened that Michael's wife died the same day that Mark's boat sank.A few days later, a kindly...
Attending a wedding for the first time, a little girl whispered to her mother, ''Why is the bride dressed in white?'' The mother replied, ''Because white is the colour of...