All Jokes

A woman was married to a golfer. One day she asked, "If I were to die, would you remarry?"After some thought, the man replied, "Yes, I've been very happy in this marriage and I...

A mom visits her son for dinner who lives with a girl as a roommate. During his meal, his mother couldn't help but notice how pretty his roommate was. She had long been suspicious...

Akpos was sitting at a bar, and thinking about his life, when all of a sudden, Ironman, the town's most notorious thug smacks Akpos in the face and says"That's KUNG FU, made in...

Little Johnny was sitting in class doing maths problems when his teacher called him to answer a question "Johnny, if there were five birds sitting on a fence and you shot one with...

A wife treats her husband by taking him to a strip club for his birthday. At the club, the doorman says, "Hi Jim, how are you?"The wife asks, "How does he know you?" Jim says, "Oh...

One day, a king held a party to look for the bravest man who will marry her daughter. He invited all the men in the land and told them that the person to swim across the pool with...

One faithful day, Jesus was accompanied by his twelve disciples who were going around doing miracles and preaching the gospel. They got to a point where the disciples were tired...

WARNING: Adult ContentINTERVIEWER: Name please?AKPOS: Akposioghenerovie.INTERVIEWER: Sex?AKPOS: Yes, 3 to 5 times a week!INTERVIEWER: No no...I meant, male or female?AKPOS: Both...

A girl went to a shop to buy a bra.GIRL: Show me a pair of Bra.SHOPKEEPER: Here is size 36.GIRL: Smaller pleaseSHOPKEEPER : Size 34GIRL: SmallerSHOPKEEPER: Size 32GIRL:...

The other day, Akpos found himself in court, again for the wrong reasons.The Judge questions, "You have been charged with inflicting injuries to your neighbour's chest. Do you...
